Terms of Use

Terms & Conditions.

To receive a full refund, (less 10% service fee) guests must cancel at least 30 days before check-in If you cancel between 7 and 30 days before check-in, a  50% refund is applicable.

If you cancel less than 7 days before check-in, you will not receive a refund.

If you pay in full, we allow you a thinking time of 24 hours where you will receive a full refund if you cancel within that 24 hour period. 

Where a deposit is paid and the booking cancelled, we will not refund the deposit, unless the cancellation is within 24 hours of the original booking. However, if the cancelled dates are booked by another guest, then we will refund the original deposit less a 10% service fee.

Save 10% on Holiday platforms by booking directly with us on this website.. Discounts available to IPA members. IPA membership 106226 UK Discount available to RMA members. RMA membership No. 139920